Gantt Chart
One of the many ways of visualizing your Projects in Skills Workflow is in a Gantt Chart.
The Gantt view will give a more visual representation of all the jobs of a Project and how they are related to one another through time.
Create your parent and child Jobs
Start by creating Jobs inside your Project.
Under a parent Job you can also create many child jobs.
Switch to Gantt View.
Inside the Project, on the tab "Jobs" click on this symbol.
Check your Jobs and their hierarchy on the left.
Check start and end date of each Job and adjust if needed.The system calculates duration of each job in days based on the start and end dates defined.
You can adjust your jobs by doing changes on the respective columns on the left or by directly moving the horizontal bars.
Drag them through the calendar to change the dates or strech/shrink them to lenghten/shorten the duration of the jobs.
Configure the dependency between the jobs by filling in the predecessor column.
Check completeness of each job.
On the field "% Done" you can check how much has been done on a given job and whether it has already finished (100% done) or is still in progress (<100% done).
These percentages are pre-defined based on the Workflow Stage the job is in. E.g. You can define that when a job reaches the stage "Waiting Client Approval " it is 70% complete.
As jobs move along the workflow to different stages, these % in the Gantt automatically change, but you can still manually adjust them if needed.
The colour of each bar represents the stage that respective job is in.
The Gantt View includes several buttons at the top to help you adjust your chart view:
- Every time you do a change you'll need to save the changes.
- Zoom Out
- Zoom In
- Zoom to fit all of the information on the screen
- Expand All to see the details of all Jobs
- Collapse All to see only the Jobs (parents)
- Add a new Job
- Go to the selected Job
JobType Dropdown
You can easily add Jobs to the Gantt without having to use the regular Job creation pop-up.
To add a new Job to the gantt, you'll need to select a Department/Job Type from the dropdown list.
When the Job Type is already selected click on the "Add Job" option and the job will be automatically added to the Gantt.
The job will only be activated as soon as you click on the "Save" option.
It will move to the first stage defined on the Workflow.
Executors Column
On the Executors Column you can easily check who's been assigned to the jobs by passing your mouse on top of the image.
You can also easily assign users by clicking directly on the Executors column. The job will automatically open on the Assignments pop-up.
Search for a username or title and click on it to add as an executor. After this you'll need to submit the post.
Copy & Paste the Gantt
Jobs can now be easily copied and pasted in order to quickly create Schedules.
Select the jobs you want to copy, click on the right side of the mouse and select the option Copy.
After this, paste the jobs by selecting the option "Paste".
You can also copy Jobs and paste them in other Projects.
Pop-up message when leaving the project.
Whenever you try to navigate to another module/tab without saving the changes you made, a pop-up message will appear alerting that there are unsaved changes.