Mobile Features
Skills Workflow Mobile app is available on all iOS and Android devices. The app accompanys the use of the Web and is constantly being improved and updated. Here is a list of current modules and features available on the app.
Current modules:
- Projects
- Jobs
- Expenses
- Notifications
- Timesheets
Tap on the search bar and type something to perform a system general search.
Tap on the available modules in the system and select from respective lists to show results.
Type something with the filter on to search within any module.
Note: Open, view and navigate through documents.
Select and open a document to see its information. Different documents will have different tabs, these are currently available:
- Feed
- Info
- Team
- Files
- Checklist
- Additional Info
- Jobs
- Expenses
After opening your document you can easily perform document actions by tapping on "What do you want to do?" in the Feed tab. This will open a new comment page where all actions will be added. Tap on the sliding menu to see all options:
- Move stage
- Add images
- Assign People
- Change End Date
- Add time
- Notify people
- Additional Information
When you are done, tap ok and post your changes to the document.
Note : Create Documents
The mobile app will have document creation just like in the Web. To do this navigate to the desired document parent and tap on the top right corner "+" to create a new document underneath it. Currently available documents for creation:
- Expenses.
The timesheet calendar will give you an overview of your hours. Select a day and add time to a document. Enter Timesheet details if you need. That's it.
New features and updates available will be added to this article