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Estimate Associated Projects


Projects can be associated with a client estimate so that hours sold are deducted from that same contract.

  1. Click on the '+' icon to create a new Project.


Estimate creation
  1. Fill in all the necessary information in the project header.
  • Title - Add a name for this project.

  • Type - Select the type of project from the dropdown list.

  • Start and End Dates - Select the date range for this project.

  • Project Owner - Select the user responsible for this project.

  • Fee - Select the contract you want to associate with this project.

  • Deliverable - Select the deliverable that you want to associate with this project (estimated deliverables).

Click the check icon e submit post.


Estimate creation
  1. After the project is created, navigate to the "Planned Hours" tab and fill in the form with the following information:
  • Contracted Hours - Click on the "Get Contracted Hours" symbol (the hours approved in the associated contract will be used to complete the "Contracted Hours" column).

  • Planned Hours - Adjust the planned hours for a specific project, if they differ from the contracted hours.

  • Projection - Click on the "Planned Hours Projection" symbol (the system will distribute the planned hours over the previously defined date range, relative to the duration of the project).


Estimate creation
  1. Analyze all the information on the Burn Dashboard:
  • Check the number of hours planned for each typology group.

  • Check the number of hours filled by all users included in that project / activity.

  • Check the number of hours available for each typology group.

  • Check the % of utilization by typology group.


Estimate creation