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Create Contracts and Proposals

It is possible to create and manage contracts associated with specific projects and activities.

The estimate is at a higher level than the project, and allows you to bring together several projects in the same document.

The main objective is the creation of a contract, with the possibility of negotiation, where it is possible to register the number of hours sold and control the number of hours sold versus the number of real hours placed in various projects / activities belonging to a contract.

Contracts are associated with a specific client, and must be associated with a Price Table.

Create Estimate

  1. Go inside Project or a Job

  2. Click on '+' icon.


Estimate creation
  1. Fill in the general header estimate fields.
  • Description - Write a brief description about the Estimate.
  • Title - You can distinguish by giving names to estimates. Ex. WebSite Option 1, WebSite Option2.
  • Department - Choose from a drop-down list of the departments available (this will be very important to choose the workflow of the document).
  • Type - Choose from a drop-down list of the Types available (this will be very important to choose the workflow of the document).
  • Start Date - Choose when the Estimate starts.
  • End Date - Choose when the Estimate ends.
  1. Save the estimate by clicking the check icon

Estimate - Manage Quotes

Inside an Estimate on the Quotes tab you can add Deliverables or the product or service you are selling to your client


Estimates quotes tab
  1. On the "Quotes" tab, you can add "Deliverables" or the product or service you are selling to your client.

  2. Add the description that you want your client to see.

  3. Select the service/product you are selling.

  4. For each Deliverable, you can specify the cost which can either be Third Party, Expenses"or Resources.

  • You can also attach files or add a URL link to the Estimate by going to the "Feed" tab clicking the Add File icon. Choose to Upload file or add link.

  • This is useful for adding brief documents or presentations, in any of the main formats (Word, PPT, Excel, PDF, etc.)